One thing I`ve noticed some of my friends doing is a 365 day of the year kind of journal. Not really a journal, but they just list or post one thing to mark that day. I`ve gotten "blog-lazy" and have sort of retreated in my own shell, and haven't been writing really (no duh, Einstein). And just now I was thinking to myself, dude why don't you just write one thing and keep it simple?
Yes, I realize I'm not literally a dude, for anyone who's scratching their head about that. Anyways, so I think this is what I'm going to do. I've raised my bar on my blog so high with all the write-ups, stories, and I don't know what, that everytime I fail to write something AMAZING or think of something to write that would be AMAZING, I just don't. Hence, an empty and quiet blog.
No, no no. Not good. Quiet blog, and IQ? Nuh uh. *Heaves a really big sigh right about now* Yeah, so that was like you know, just a summoning my superpowers sort of sigh. K, so I'm here. And today's great news is that it's hit -22C, has kept snowing alll day long and only stopped when the sun went down, leaving that amazingly cloudless blue sky typical of a stark winter day behind, and I've worn sweatpants and hoodie to work and couldn't care less how casual that is, and the cold is making my lovely skin feel so dry and ehh, and yup, that's pretty much it for today.