Sunday, May 06, 2012


By now, those of you who are following and land on this page are first taken back by the drastic changes in the layout.

 Some of you are thinking, "What the hell did she do?", some of you are thinking "Hmm, interesting". And maybe just a few might be thinking "Wow! Nice!!" I have no doubt that the former reactions would be in majority male, and the last female. Then again, I can be wrong.

 I like changing things. Well, to be more precise, I like variety. And lately I've been not to keen to write anything. What occurred exactly was logging onto my own blog and looking at it and thinking, something is missing. It's nice, but it isn't entirely me. I should have taken a printscreen of what it looked like so as to keep a memory of the evolution of my blog; I have no doubt it will be changing again in a few months.

I loved the landscape mountains background and the raindrop window of the blog, but it wasn't rightly me. I wanted something that made me feel that it incorporated what Supercalifragilisticsexyalidocious was. One day I might try my hand at explaining that also, but definitely not today. I'm rushing to finish this right now, because I won't want to write about the change in my layout tomorrow morning, and I've gotta run out.

 I wanted black and white. My room is black and white. I like things nice, neat, clean. I like the sophistication the combination of black and white portrays and represents.

But then, I'm all for colour, vibrancy, the spectrum of all shades and hues. Hence the rainbow.  When I look at what I've done, I feel hey there blog, you look like me. (Not that I have stripes on my face or anything)

 Some of you might like it, some won't. In the same way, you might like me, some of you might not. It's all good.