Hey you. Me? Yeah, it`s me! Who did you expect to be? Did you really expect it to be anyone else? No, it's me. I know, you're disappointed that it's me. Let me let you in on a secret: It's always going to be me. You don't want to listen to the ones who would say anything, and the ones you'd really want it to be won't be doing it. You'll just end up sinking deeper into that pit of desolation. So here I am!
So you want a word of consolation. Guess what, you are in luck. You need a shoulder to cry on, you've got mine. You just remember this: you don't need anyone. Everyone else will be twiddling their thumbs on the sidelines, hoping that you get over this quickly. And hey, we know you're going to get over this quickly, but it sucks to hell and back when you realize no one is going to jump into the quicksand along with you, doesn't it?
Did you really expect anyone to? Think about it. Who in their right minds would want to get pulled into that mess, and dirty their nice clean selves up? And if you're expecting it, then stop right this minute. You're the one who has to be cheerful and talkative for everyone else. If you don't talk, no one else will. So how will the world go on?
And listen. Cut out those tears. They annoy me, and they probably annoy everyone else who has to put up with them. You remember when you were a small little girl alone in the big bad world, and thought you would always be alone? Yes well guess what Einstein, you were right.
So stop looking for pity, or sympathy. You don't need it. You want a strong hero to come save you and give you a happily ever after, well you're the only one who can be your hero. If you want your life to get on track, you're the only one who's going to be picking up the rope and pulling the whole train behind you. No one else will help you. Oh there will be those who will walk alongside you, or even take a rope and tell you they're there at your side, but the second things go wrong, you know you'll be back to fixing things on your own and no one else will be there. Remember that, kid, no one.
So take a deep breathe, and let it all out. Even when you've got the whole weight to pull yourself, the one thing you need to remember is, you can.